Vaping Use

Among Teens

Ten years ago, the health effects of vaping may have been debated in the health community. Now, we have significant evidence that vaping is just as dangerous as smoking.

Why Teens Should Not Vape

More and more hard studies counteract the notion that vaping is safer than cigarettes. In fact, they prove it to be just as harmful.

Known most commonly as vaping, e-cigs have street names such as hookah, pods & vapes.

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Vaping causes just as much damage to the heart and arteries as smoking (American Heart Association).

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Nicotine from vaping affects memory, concentration, learning, self-control, attention, mood, and is highly addictive (TeenHealth).

Tips for Parents – What to Look For

What does a vape look like?

There are a variety of styles of vapes to look out for including a cigalike, vape pen, box mod, and vape pod. All function in a similar way and must have the battery (battery mod) charged in order to work. A vape can be shared among teens at parties or social gatherings, so be aware of who your teen hangs out with.


Unlike cigarettes, vapes do not have a single smell. Vape juice has many flavors such as bubble gum or mint and may smell like its flavor. These juices are not just water vapor. Studies have found that even e-cigarettes claiming to be nicotine-free contain trace amounts of nicotine. Additionally, when the e-liquid heats up, more toxic chemicals are formed ( An attempt to ban flavored vapes was passed in 2019, but it was blocked by a federal judge in 2020.

How can I tell if someone is vaping underage?

Common signs of vaping include:

  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Irritability
  • Frequent nosebleeds
  • Increased thirst
  • Caffeine sensitivity
  • Persistent cough

Talk to teens about vaping

Have a conversation with your teens about vaping. When talking, remain calm and keep an open mind to create an honest dialogue with your teen. Refrain from harsh judgment, but aim to promote awareness of the following:

  • Like smoking, vaping can be addicting
  • Vapors from e-cigarettes are not made of water. They include carcinogens, acrolein (an herbicide), and heavy metals like nickel and lead
  • Vaping can lead to long-term brain damage
  • Your kids can always call you at any time of day, judgment-free, for a safe ride home from a dangerous situation

Data and statistics for this website are obtained from trusted sources like the CDC and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. For more information, please contact us.